15 Years Old
15 Years Old
blood type: AB+
random shits about her xD...............
- i love chocolate, it can make me smile. :D
- i'm vain. definitely the moody one.
- crazy kpop fan girl.
- i love arguing though i myself will give up at the end.
- messy and clean freak at the same time lol xD
- everyone call me "ATE" because of my height, it's not suited with my age :D
- i spend hours reading fics
- i'm lazy hell yeah
- i like singing and dancing even if i'm not good *a trying hard bitch :D*
- i have a step sister which is an half Japanese and half Pilipino
- i curse a lot. like A LOT
- i almost die when a was little thanks to my "PAPA" <3
- i fail in spelling and determining time in an analogue clock *well that's shit -.-*
- i'm one of those crazy kids who love math
- i remember my first love *puppy love* is a soldier i even cried when he didn't come in my uncle's 40 days.
- my first official bias in kpop is FT island's Minhwan supposed to be it's Jaejin but i got hit by a truck and when i woke i just realize i love Minhwan more lol
- i'm a pervert kyumin shipper xD
- i love playing console games- i'm not that religious but still i have my faith in god. (Roman Catholic)
- i have 15 awesome cousins all in all (father's side)
- i love Rnb and alternative rock before i got my self in kpop world
- my first Korean crush is lee dong gun (lover's in paris) then rain (full house) damn they're still hot O.O
- in Taiwan, Vic Zhou caught my attention
- in China it's JR k one (top on the forbidden city)
- Japan, it's Teppei Koike
- i love taking random pictures by myself and begin editting it after a while :D
- i play guitar well and bass, i play flute, i guess i could play a little bit in piano. i'm looking forward to learn drums well i just love playing musical instruments.
- i hate making an essay Tagalog or English one ughhh -.-
- i used to have braces- i love color blue black and white
- i hate cats i just don't find them adorable
- i love domo
- i'm trying to learn japanese, and korean
- i collect converse (shoes)
- my idol is my brotha,
- mind games are my thing
- i have two accounts in yahoo.
- i already experienced drinking half bottle of wine.
- i hate cigarettes's smoke
- i prefer guy's perfume
- i'm a bit boyish
- i bit my fingers when i'm bored or my lips in deed
- originally i have a two rings in my pinky fingers both left and right but apparently i gave the plain band to our last year's Practice teacher as my remembrance to him.
- i hate people who imitate nor do same things i do *make your own name bitch!*
- My public speaking skills suck.
- "Patience is virtue" fuck that :D
- i don't move when i sleep so i always end up having stiff neck
- as time goes by my tongue's getting sharper and sharper :D
- i'm allergic to heat i'll get little bumps in my arms and feet after
- i love nuts but apparently i'm allergic with that
- i have a severe phobia with a spider
- i own two phones both Samsung. touch and clam shell.
- i like sharing things but mostly i kept it inside, scared of stereotyping. lol
ahhh i have more to say but i'll end it here for now i'll just continue this when i have time.
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