Kyumin's Wifey

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

what a day.. -.-

my mind is so hmmm f*ucked up. i can't think properly that's why t i can't make an essay which is to be pass tomorrow. i have the idea but my mind is trolling me. Then there's U-kiss they keep singing inside my head lol xD Neverland. Well nothing important happened today just the fact that i feel tipsy every discussion we had, i want to sleep but i can't lol xD

As usual i didn't eat lunch, i had a duel fight with my self about whether  i'll sleep and be scolded or just listen.
yeah i don't know what to say anymore i guess this will end here lol xD

nah just kidding hmmm finally i can play officially missing you  in guitar *flails
i started playing guitar when i was in grade 3 but i stopped for a year *lazy bum* hmmm then serendipity lead me how pluck lol *i'm pro! xD*

about the issue i read on tumblr with kyuwook shipper (?) , having hostile attitude towards kyumin shippers and min biased, i think its better if we learn how to respect each other's fandom or opinion you don't have to tell or involve Sungmin here its nonsense you know telling him this, yeah let's accept the fact that they're not really together, they're just having their fanservice to please us, fans. i admit i wish Sungmin and Kyuhyun are really together in real life, but i don't go beyond the line where i'll meddle with their personal lives, i hate thinking that they're just simple friends or brothers indeed, but that's the truth why don't just accept it and learn to be happy with their decision. i kept quiet about this issue this past few days but it bothers no it annoys me a lot so i decided to share it here. Well in some variety shows, when couples are they're topic they'll just laugh so we really don't know if its true or not, pfffttttt FUCK IT either way it is I STILL LOVE THEM HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS FUCK OFF!!! -.-

ohhh well sorry about that lol xD btw here's kyumin picture spam,

btw this thing made my day ; lol xD

~Signing off~

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