Kyumin's Wifey

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Its good to be back ;)

After a few many months i didn't visit this (i almost forgot my password), i don't know what gotten into me that i decided to post something here again lol i'm planning to delete my account here though :D its just the same with my other accounts hmmm i also blabber random craps xD by the way i made a fic and it's still untitled, my friends like it but i think its a rubbish lol xD 

i watched a series called Festival (starring Jung Yonghwa of CN blue and Park Shinye) its a fun, romantic and most of all musical. After this I quickly surf in net to find some lyrics and guitar tabs for You've fallen for me I completely fell in love with that song (i can't admire Yonghwa my Yeobo will kill me)

BTW here's a banner for my story it's not official though made by me (sorry its messy)   and I'm happy i already know how to use Photoshop ;') *throw confetti*

 yesterday we had a training (Red Cross Training) and heck my body hurt like hell and i'm so tired that i can't even sleep (it's possible you know -.-) i can't move my limbs.
Q. So what happened to me this past few months?
nothing important really,
just some PABOs who ruin my mood everyday like EACH DAY -.-
 i found my new love L Lawliet *i love you baby* lol xD

i finally mastered River flows in you in guitar.
getting more crazy and yeah crazy xD
failing grades, almost got remove in top 10 yeah well procrastination is mah new thing what do you expect.
i'm getting more vain and cry baby this past few months i throw tantrum when i'm alone i don know why i even cry when read a rated fic (lmao a perverted yaoi fangirl)  -.-

 i'm thinking if i should make my own website a personal one -.- where i can freely say anything i want -.- just some people trolling me woooot good luck i'll wait for my oppa to come home so he'll teach me how to make one (my idol lmfao even if he's the worst teaser ever -.-) 

 And btw should i make FAQs about me? ah no one cares anyway why do i even think about this things ah well lemme try T.T
i having a fandom crisis ah i still love kpop though but i'm getting bored sometimes and i dont often listen to there songs honestly i don't want to leave my fangirl life i don't want to end this yet i love spazzing about them maybe i just need some rest.


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