Kyumin's Wifey

Friday, July 19, 2013

I'm having a problem right now. I don't know how to face it. I just can't understand why people change as time goes by.

I'm not saying that I don't like you guys but there's something missing. I can't figure what is it. It's bothering me as if you are not the people i have called my new friends.

I'm confused, f*cking confused, i know our world shouldn't revolve with this freaking circle, we all have cliques, we have different personalities, attitude and taste. I'm not limiting you and be with us forever, just don't forget that you have us.

When we are just a group of nine people i was very happy that time. i'm not saying that I despise others who have just joined our group, it just felt different, we are drifting apart and i hate it. Before we are intact "one for all, all for one" what happened? as if it's okay if we can't be together anymore. am I being demanding? am i being sensitive about it? i'm trying to save this friendship but you guys are all clueless or are you really clueless? or you just ignore that fact that there is a problem?

i hate goodbye's but i'm not afraid saying it if it is needed.
Eucliders are still the best because they won't betray me. And if ever they will disappoint me, i'm willing to forgive them because they never let me feel that I'am not needed.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


This blog is created for a delusional fangirl who spazz over her bias and unquestionably downright hawt people living in South Korea! :D

This blog is intended to express my thoughts and feelings.

This blog is for random things about myself.

If you have problem with that. Feel free to close this tab. any questions comment below :D
or PM me on Facebook

What if you caused someone's death?

What would you gain when you insult someone?

Are you happy because you had hurt her/his feelings?

Will you be glad if one day you'll heard that the one you bullied died because of depression due to you're doings?


Calling them "Slut" "Fat" "Ugly" "Nerd" "Emo" "Black" "Gay" or other nasty names.

One question dude? Are you sure you're not insulting yourself and not them? Because you're worst than the things you bluff on their face.

You speak like you know them. YEAP bro you know them, but not their story. You judge with their look or personality, Have you ever asked why are they like that? or why are they doing that?

Indirect messages in post or "Innuendos" in social networking sites like Facebook is one form of bullying these days. I DID this, I used to and I won't deny that but immediately regret it now that's why i'm posting it here for people who are still doing it.

Remember all thing you'll do has consequences. Every word you're saying is absorb and embed in every person's mind and heart once you have said it you can't take it back, you can be forgiven but what you have done will not be forgotten.

I learn from my mistakes.
It's not with the looks and outer appearance.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Me!!!!! :D

So here I'am...
ohhh I know I look awful yet still i have the guts to post my pics LoL
Apparently I suppose to make my homework now but too lazy to do it. :D
Let's procrastinate! OTL

Saturday, November 3, 2012


yung feeling na anung oras na di padin ako nakakaligo ? *gross*

then i need a hard copy of this freaking requirement cause i need to submit it tomorrow but still I sit here encoding and well i'm such a lazy bum and i can't do anything about it.

I received a text and she such a 'toooot' ahhhh well i can't cuss cause I'm a good girl! *ganda mata*

Choi b-day celebrants! uwah my hubbies are not Babies anymore they've grown up so fast (as if I did not)

Something is bothering me and well this is bitching me out oppsss i curse sowrryy~~ n.n
They said why do I keep on using English when i write nor speak "sometimes" who cares this is a free country and i can do whatever i want. If you want to use Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese or what it's none of my business Okay so if I speak or use English you don't f*cking care either.

You yes you! Don't be too bossy dude! as if you owned us in the first place! we're not slaves! you think you can step on us just because you're a leader? f*ck off. -.-
all of us put effort to obey you even if you're getting on our nerves, but you just step out of the limit, actually you didn't not just step on it you jump out of it.

Tsk you're doomed for the rest of the school year bro! -.-

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Exhausted -.-

Try comprehending every decisions i made.
i know i been acting cruel, but come to think of it, if i don't love you i'll leave you right?
you're my friend , my closest friend but have you been thinking about how i had been?
we're not playing around, you're acting childish. I do remember clearly that i said that WE shouldn't fight because of guys.
i did broke that rule, i won't say sorry you know why? cause i don't think i'm the one who's wrong here, 
you made conclusions as if you know him. I'm not the original? ok i accept it but why don't ask first. 
you judge other person as if he or she do bad things. in love you can't choose anyone one to fall to.
did i ever tell you that i hate how you say bad things to others? i may agree but can't you use appropriate words?
i'm a tease i know i criticize other people too but the way you do it, it's a bit offending.

"ayaw mong napupuna pero pag ikaw mamuna wagas" 

Something went wrong then you'll just shut the fuck up like no one is concerned, i'm fucking tired understanding every thing you do, i'm fucking mad cause i can't make myself hate you. 

i don't want to open this topic, cause all we do is to say sorry then afterwards it'll happen again. We're not perfect we make mistakes but can't we grow up and be real? you're not innocent, you're just fucking acting like nothing happened and nothing is wrong. you're reasons are "I"M NOT ORIGINALLY IN THE GROUP" & "EVEN IF I TELL YOU THE TRUTH STILL I'AM THE ONE TO BLAME AND I'LL BE THE ONE WHO IS ALWAYS WRONG" let me tell you this, are you nuts? we're not intending to make you feel that you're the one who's always wrong, you know US and obviously you know ME the most. my expectations from you are different from what you're doing now. i thought out of the three you'll understand me the most, and do you know what hurt the most? you knew my efforts but yet you don't even appreciate any of it. I do all the things just to make our FRIENDSHIP consistent but what are you doing ? YOU even enjoyed other's company. 

You don't know anything. You don't know the sacrifices i did just for them to accept you. SUMBAT? we can't avoid that.

just do what you think that'll make you happy, I don't know what to do anymore, i did my part i think it's time for you to make an effort for US. you're happy with this, so be it.


masakit ? opppsss d pala ako magso-sorry kasi ma PRIDE ako ehh... d ko hinihiling na magbago ka pero kung aasta na as if akala mo d ko kayang mawala ka okay fine game ako dyan, challenge accepted, ikaw nga kaya mo ako pa kaya? 

saka tandaan mo kung san ka masaya ngaun dahil sakin un. sumbatan kung sumbatan pero un fair kasi eh patikaibigan ko ginagwa mong gago. 


umiiwas ako ksi ayaw kko ng gulo, d sa ayaw kita kasama. mahal kita pero prang d mo pi na pahalagahan un... 

Lights Of Heaven - Unavailable