Kyumin's Wifey

Saturday, November 3, 2012


yung feeling na anung oras na di padin ako nakakaligo ? *gross*

then i need a hard copy of this freaking requirement cause i need to submit it tomorrow but still I sit here encoding and well i'm such a lazy bum and i can't do anything about it.

I received a text and she such a 'toooot' ahhhh well i can't cuss cause I'm a good girl! *ganda mata*

Choi b-day celebrants! uwah my hubbies are not Babies anymore they've grown up so fast (as if I did not)

Something is bothering me and well this is bitching me out oppsss i curse sowrryy~~ n.n
They said why do I keep on using English when i write nor speak "sometimes" who cares this is a free country and i can do whatever i want. If you want to use Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese or what it's none of my business Okay so if I speak or use English you don't f*cking care either.

You yes you! Don't be too bossy dude! as if you owned us in the first place! we're not slaves! you think you can step on us just because you're a leader? f*ck off. -.-
all of us put effort to obey you even if you're getting on our nerves, but you just step out of the limit, actually you didn't not just step on it you jump out of it.

Tsk you're doomed for the rest of the school year bro! -.-

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