Kyumin's Wifey

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

yeah i really love eating ice cream hmmm yummy kekekekeke :D

i only found out now that i used to have this what they called "cam-whoring" in me when i was little :D

aishhh i keep on laughing when i saw this actually i just saw this accidentally when i was finding something.

awwww i wish i'll be child again. Babies dont have problems like us, and they dont have to make a proposal in research :D they only play and explore new things (an innocent being), when they cry elders do anything just to make them stop a candy or lollipop they'll be happy again even a penny will be worth it. :D

1 comment:

  1. mee tOoo......

    lol...yah!!! kyumin's wifey....,
    imma' bit confuse with this blogging stuff...., mind to help me???? ^*^


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